Saturday, February 23, 2013

Personal Webpage

Posted as a photo until I can get multidrive mounter working on this Mac. The idea is to have the headings at the top go to other pages, and the image in the middle will be a slideshow.

Here's the link to open in browser: My Webpage


  1. This looks really good! I like the black background with the high contrast font colors. I also really like the font you used for your links at the top and for "PR photo". The only critiques that I could come up with were for the contact info on the bottom. It's very bold and drew my eyes a bit too much. Perhaps making them a bit less bold, or making them the blue color you used for the text at the top might help. One other very small thing: the spacing between Web Design and Information Technology is smaller than the others. I'm a little OCD though, so you could probably ignore that and be fine. Thanks!

  2. This is one of my favorite drafts that's up! I love thoe concept and the clean design you have going on here. You might want to consider leaving a little more space for your footer to make it fit a bit more; with how elegantly simple your design is, the footer seems a little tacked on right now by comparison...a bit of extra space for the footer could help you do a bit more with it. You also might want to consider some sort of way for the user to browse through the images in addition to the slideshow concept, so they can go back and forth to the images they particularly enjoyed. I really liked this design though; it looks great!


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