Katelyn's Draft
A few of these requirement I am still working on and will continue to work on over the weekend. I look forward to everyone's comments.
1. About me section
2. Description of webpage: I love to bake, and I love to write and take pictures. I thought maybe this could be a way to encompass all three of those things into one. I have always been interested in starting (and keeping up) a food blog, specifically about baking, as
well as photographing food. :)
My grandma really inspired me to begin baking because of the things she made when I was growing up. I thought maybe I could include something about her as well.
3. Recipe cards are key with my Grandma, so including them somewhere into the design is something I really want to do. I didn't have the time before this draft was to be submitted.
4. I also have an interest in vintage cards and antiques because of my mother.
5. Baker's Blog and photos will hopefully be links to external sites in the near future. :)
I like how you are framing the page with the images, and the layout of the page is easy to follow. However the purple and white text might be a little difficult to read so you should try experimenting with other colors.