Thursday, March 7, 2013

Images/Site Plans/Questions

Once again, I feel that the reading from the book would/will be much more helpful for me to refer to as I'm walking through the program itself, instead of just reading it with nothing to apply it to. However, it is a good pre-attempting to use Dreamweaver read. Because I'll most likely be referring back to much of this chapter when I start incorporating images and such into my website, for now, I'm going to discuss more of the other two articles, seeing that they are much more open to analysis, observation, and perception.

The article that talks about forming a design plan is very important, I really appreciate the part where it explains that you must recognize not only the business needs/wants, but the user's as well. This is important because when it comes to our client projects, the client may not be thinking about the user's much, if at all. So you need to make sure to drop in suggestions and questions that lead the client to make sure they too are trying to imagine and decide how or why a potential user would visit and use their site.

And speaking of leading the client to keep in mind the potential user's wants and needs, this leads nicely into the post that was a forum thread of what the top ten questions to ask your client are. Being a thread, there were many different responses, some very useful, and some, well, not so much. One interesting one was budget...for our case, we won't necessarily have to worry about budget at all, but once we get into the real world this will be a very very important question to remember (how else will you get food on the table?) But this question is also a very tricky one, only because we have to have a large say in this aspect of the project, most of our other questions to the client will be more based around what they are looking for and only relate to us in the sense that we need to have the ability to create what exactly it is that they are looking for. Speaking of those questions.....I'm gonna go write mine!

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