Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Client Home Page Drafting

Here are some ideas I've been playing with... These are by no means complete, but I would really appreciate any feedback you have :) Thank you! 


  1. Maddie, these are freaking adorable. Personally, I like the second one better, but just because I like the color scheme, with the brown. I really like the way you present the title with the two different fonts. It's so inviting. I really like it!

  2. I love it. I actually really like the first one. But I love the blue though in the image of up.

  3. Maddie,

    I love how you incorporate the UP into this! Will that carry throughout the pages?

  4. This design is awesome! I love the graphics you used in the header, they pull everything together and make an overall simplistic design pop beautifully.

    Personally, I prefer the second version. The brown really warms the page in addition to seeming more relevant (I mean, it is a wood company, right?). The teal navigation pops so much stronger against it as well, and is super reminiscent of evergreen trees....which are all over the design (did I mention I love the trailing evergreens in the background? Cute). Oh, and that modern little swoop on the side of the navigation? Awesome.

    My suggestion might be to darken the blue on the header in the second one a bit though. I feel like just a smidgen of the gray from the top pulled into it would make the UP graphic in it more apparent. I think the gray from the first one would be too dark, so I'm sure there's some sort of happy medium color that maintains that blue but lets the white pop a little.

    Overall I really really like this!


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