Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Float Center?...No.

Don't you hate it when (because of the procrastinator in all of us) you post late and when Wendy opens up the blog, your post is right on top for everyone to read? Yeah, it makes me feel uncomfortable too. So instead of writing about the reading right away I'm going to blab a bit up here so that (just in case I was the last person to post before class) everyone doesn't have to read my post. You know, so it's not too awkward.


Is it just me, or if we could code to float something center in html or css...life would be SO simple? I feel like for our previous assignments I spent the most time trying to float elements and divs for my the layouts of my pages...These chapters would have been SO helpful when trying to get the layout of my page put together. Floating is pretty neat. We have the ability to float anything we want, from columns, to images, to text, and literally anything you put inside of a div, cuz then you can just float the div. There was a lot of useful information on how to format different elements of your page in chapter six, but I feel the most useful were the column formatting and floating properties.

So as we have been told, web design is, and has a been transitioning from a table-based formatting and layout style to a focus on using a CSS layout- but according to chapter seven, the table is reclaiming its original purpose of displaying tabular data. In my opinion, this chapter would be more helpful if the websites I would be creating are in need of tabular data...but not gonna lie, I really hope those arent the types of websites I'll be coding someday. However, if I do end up having to incorporate tabular data, this chapter is useful because it provides us with ways to modify the table size, import data, modify the tables structure and basically anything and everything you would ever want/need to do with a table. Aka, a great reference for table making in html.

Definitely two chapters to bookmark.

1 comment:

  1. "Is it just me, or if we could code to float something center in html or css...life would be SO simple?"

    My question is; life would be so simple for who? A thing to keep in mind as a designer is that the coders wrote the code that way for a reason. I would wonder what it would take to make something float center, why the code can't do that, and why the code does work the way it does. Because it does work the way it does for a reason; somebody's career was making it work this way, and they did put a thought process into how the code works.


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