Tuesday, March 19, 2013


As we once said in class. HTML is the structure of the building, CSS is how we design the rooms. CSS stands for Cascading style sheets. The purpose for CSS is to separate the content from the presentation, and allow the user more control over the layout.

CSS allows for us to not have to write the code for all the styling over and over again. Typically the stylesheet is never seen only experienced. They are called cascading because the user has the highest level of control. The way it works os using ---          selector {property: value;}  This is quite interesting, an example is body {background-color: #FF0000;}  I have always wondered how and what each of those meant. Before we can just start styling with CSS we have to learn to link from the HTML document to the styke sheet. A link is created realitively easy. The link tells the browser that it should use the layout from the CSS file when displaying the HTML file. One stylesheet could quite possibly style an entire site.

I am quite interested to start playing around with CSS, from what I've been reading, its a powerful tool. I wonder how this CSS is in comparison to CSS3 and other forms of CSS. I am also wondering how does javascript interact with CSS and HTML. For me just thinking about it, HTML is like learning to draw with a pencil, CSS allows you to turn your pencils into crayons and consistant use the same types of crayons for certain parts of the drawing. I can't wait to start messing stuff up with the DIV tag.

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