Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Website Draft


  1. I really like the design of this site. It looks very professional and is definitely fit for an enterprise. You can tell right away what you're trying to get at and I really like your logo at the top that kind of brings all the colors together. The only thing I was kind of confused about was the two navigation bars and what each of them would do.

  2. I like the color choice and layout of the site, there are only two things that stand out to me that could be reconsidered. The first, is for some reason there's something about the location of the Upcoming Events section that doesn't feel right. I feel like because users are so accustomed to facebook feed and upcoming events being located through the center or along their left hand side, that maybe that could be a more fitting location for it? Just an idea! And also, there are a lot of hard lines in the design..very crisp, it looks nice and clean, but with the logo having circles, I almost feel like softer edges may really help soften the look. Once again, just a suggestion, other than those it looks great, the color coordination is on point!


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