Monday, March 18, 2013

Getting help from CSS

As WebAIM said many times in their CSS tutorial, CSS is meant for separating styling and presentation from contents. Because most of us are still relatively new to this web designing thing, I think that CSS will definitely be a big help. As far as content goes, I feel good about coming up with it for really any webpage or website when I have enough background information for it. It's the actual design and presentation of the page or site that trips me up a bit more.

One example of how CSS can be a big help in the designing of a site, is that when using CSS, designers don't have to worry about the linear order of their content and how it actually looks on the page. Although I feel like I would still order the content in a somewhat similar way to how it appears visually, this could definitely be a huge benefit for designers. It really erases the limits on how they design a page or site.

However, CSS isn't all good. The ability to "content shuffle" or not worry about the linear order of the content displayed, can lead to a huge mess. In addition, CSS isn't always supported in various browsers, which can also be a problem. Keeping these things in mind will be good throughout my growth as a web designer. also provided a lot of good info about using CSS and what exactly it can and can't do. I will for sure be using this in the weeks to come!

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