Can User Experience Be Beautiful? An Analysis of Navigation in Portfolio Websites
The Harry Vorsteher website was actually very creative and I didn't think it was that difficult to use. However, I have a feeling that if someone was on slower internet, this website would be incredibly hard to use. The Justin Lerner website was the only other website that I thought was actually user friendly. The rest of them were very difficult to navigate and I would not use something like that for my web portfolio because people wouldn't know how to use my website.
Portfolio Design Study: Design Patterns and Current Practices
This page is extremely useful in finding the trends that people are using without visiting a bunch of individual websites to find out what users like to see. Most of it did not surprise me, however I thought that more people would incorporate Flash into their webpages.
69 Sexy Portfolio Designs to Inspire You
Interesting title... I found that a lot of these websites were very creative, but the design of most of them went against what the Portfolio Design Study article talked about as being the norm. It was very unconventional, but I liked how several of the websites have the navigation menu at the bottom left of the page without a scroll.
Showcase of Case Studies in Design Portfolios
Many portfolio websites also showcase case studies that people have done as a way to show that they have existing experience in a way that shows examples as well. They give more background about the projects that they have completed as well as client testimonials. I personally liked the DrawingArt example because, as a photographer, I thought it was a great way to showcase the type of work that I do in more than just a gallery.
"...showcase the type of work that I do in more than just a gallery." I also like the idea of not confining all design content to individual projects or pages, but framing your work within your work.