Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Lots of Inspiration to be Had

"Portfolio websites are critical for designers who want to get exposure for their work and attract new clients" showcase of case studies in design portfolios Not surprised, I know we have gone over this in class a lot with our peers designs. We were asked, does the purpose of an online portfolio make sense? Yes, because many of us will be working and creating in digital spaces to it makes sense to promote ourselves in a digital space. I think this article of "case studies" provides good information about what is expected to be in an online portfolio, and why those elements work. 

portfolio design study design patterns and current practices

I feel it is important to understand what is going on in web portfolios before we jump into the creation process. This article answers design and content questions about what currently exists in the world of web portfolios. It lays out the rules and norms and provides their data of occurrence in percentages. I also like how they not only explain the norm but also provide examples of "broken rules" that still work.

"...enabling its users to achieve their objectives—this is ultimately what usability is all about" - an analysis navigation portfolio websites This article shows me that a personal portfolio isn't all about you and your work, it also about your audience. They focus on navigation and user orientation, and promote that it is possible to keep a unique creative personal vibe to your online portfolio without confusing or loosing your audience. 

69 sexy portfolio designs to inspire you (really title?) 

..........consider me inspired. 

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