I just I can't even type a proper blog post my portfolio has so many categories and so many thumbs and there is so much clutter in the page I was like 'OH GEE I better think about embeding some of this stuff on external pages so that I don't have to update EVERY PAGE when I change one thing'.
And you would not believe how much effort that took okay. I knew about iframes/frames and I was going to use those and honestly if you're cool with scrollbars I'm totally suggesting USE THOSE because it will save you trouble and time and writhing on the floor in pain. It's literally just iframe src="PAGE TO LINK TO" and the close it.
BUT if you are like me and scrollbars make you lose sleep at night (no seriously I had trouble sleeping last night I think I have a problem) then you're like 'wow how do I get rid of that scrollbar' and the internet is like 'lol not gonna happen unless you wanna slash the rest of that content from existence bro' and then I'm like 'oh. okay then.'
Soooo I delved deep into the pit of the internet and literally tried EVERY. POSSIBLE. THING. Short of learning PHP. And finally I got it: server side includes. Because I care about your sanity here's a link: http://webdesign.about.com/od/ssi/SSI_Server_Side_Includes.htm (in my fit of dancing I closed the tab to the actual tutorial I used but this seems pretty similar).
It herps and derps a little at the start but once you rewire yourself it works beautifully and I'm just really happy right now and I'm gonna go curl up in a ball now okay bye guys. <3
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