I already posted on Chapter Ten a bit last week, so I'm just going to copypasta what I said last time, teehee :)
"Templates are an interesting concept that I was aware of when I
started using dreamweaver but had never really considered something I
would use. I'll admit, when I was trying to recall how to get my liquid
layouts working I popped open one of the super basic templates for a
quick refresh on some of the CSS before I went to work. However, I had
never really thought of using them for my own work.
at the chapter though, I can say that it might be a viable avenue for
me to consider - especially if I have a really functional layout style
that could be recycled for tons of different designs. I'm not really
sure I fully understand the template making process yet though - maybe
tomorrow during workshop day I'll have more time to do some hands-on
work and try to figure it out!"
I haven't gotten gotten the chance yet to build my own templates, but hopefully when some of my other classes die down a bit I can spend some of my free time looking at these. I definitely have become interested in them and see a lot of potential for them - which I didn't even consider before this class. Hopefully the workshop tomorrow will help free up my time away from the layout/website building a little so I can spend more of it tinkering around with all the new features we've been learning about!
Regardless, as I mentioned in class I really recommend opening Dreamweaver's templates and taking a peek when you get a little stuck on what you want to code or how to go about it. They have a lot of great basic ideas that can refresh you on how to lay out something specific, while still leaving you to require the understanding of the implementation details (size, color, etc.). They're perfect to look over as a resource when you just can't figure out that one style that will bring it all together.
Hopefully everyone's client websites are going well - I know it can be frustrating at times and the school year is so close to done it might not feel worth it but I know we all can do it! Take a break, step away, get inspired by the world if you need to. You can do this!
"When you are stuck, walk away from the computer and draw. It will teach you how to see." -Gerard Huerta
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