Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Portfolio "Draft"

I will be updating and playing around with my first page for my portfolio:

Potential Portfolio (Will be updated)


  1. I love the entry way but would rather see the things hold still when you go up and down the page.

  2. I agree; I think this design is really gorgeous and a great concept, but it would be nice if the things held their position respective to the entryway. I especially see this when you try to change the text size on the page. For me I tried holding control and scrolling up and down with my scrollbar (which makes it zoom in and out I guess - weeee) and the buttons would begin to move away from the entryway.

  3. Sam, you are a really creative person! I like the idea and how you have this looking.

    My only feedback would to make the 4 buttons the same colors. That would make it look a little more consistent. I did try and see how responsive it was and I broke it by making it small but I do like having the background stay the same and having the content move.. It can make us dizzy though.


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