Monday, January 21, 2013

This reading gets down to basics - what is the world wide web? I actually haven't heard this phrase in a long time, though I unconsciously think WWW whenever i type in a URL. I understood some of this through many different technology classes and having access to, well, the internet. Though seeing it laid out in one reading made it clear that our modern technology has quite a history.

At it's most basic level it is a global connection that is possible through the internet. Information - such as pictures, text, etc - are stored on servers and these servers send this information through the web to other servers. The reading also gets into the idea of HTTP and URL so it gives a basic idea of how the laptop I'm writting on  now is able to write this blog.

Then it takes a huge jump back as it gets into the early ideas of the World Wide Web when we get into the idea of hypertext. Hypertext is the idea of stories that branch off to other stories till they eventually in-twine among each other. This idea of hypertext and computer networks in early, historical pieces was interesting (I'm now interested in the Talmud example and will have to look it up soon). The reading follow the idea of hypertext to when it actually got the name from Nelson when he was trying to network the world's literature. I wonder what he would think of the internet?

When we got to WISYWIGs we got closer to the idea of web design. What YOU SEE IF WHAT YOU GET is key to today's internet - it's the reason it is useful and why everyone does not need to code (a world of coders, the thought makes me shiver. Also, was Tim Berners the one they had in the Olympic Openings recently? I forget). He was the one that came up with the client/server idea that basically runs the internet we know today. The numbers the had at the end of the article were old. I wonder how high those numbers are today?

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