Thursday, January 31, 2013

Programming WWW & Web Metrics

With every reading we do for this class, I am reminded how little I know about the technology I use on a daily basis. I figured I knew what the internet was or what a web site was, but I never had to explain it THANK GOODNESS!!!

Programming the World Wide Web reinforced how little I knew. It reviewed the the origin of the Internet and how the the Internet and the World Wide Web are different. It explained different addresses, and Domain names, servers, URLs... all things I've heard of but couldn't explain before. It also introduced me to programing information, protocols, development framework and all these other things different languages I had no idea I didn't know about. I had to re-read some of these paragraphs just because this info (although we've discussed some in class) is still pretty foreign to me.

The web metrics information is still a little hard for me to comprehend because I am still new to the units. Some of the statistics were interesting the number of unique images as opposed to non-unique?

I feel like some of this information is intimidating BUT having this contextual information before jumping into production can only help. Having taken a programming class and jumping straight into production with no idea what I was working with was frustrating. I was able to complete assignments and "make things work" but had little understanding of what I was doing. I did a lot of programming but didn't learn much. If we are going to be making websites it's probably know what they are.

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