Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Audience Readings

Obviously a website needs an audience or else it would be pointless. Audience, though, is a broad term. These readings helped me better understand the idea of audience in terms of my future.

The first thing that really stuck out at me about this piece is the idea that the audience of any website is not monotonous. In fact, the idea of a website's audience is very complicated. Since the audience is going to be so complicated it's better to catigorize them. This will make the information more usable.

I forgot how important it is to remember the browser system and I'm glad this reading reminded me. Some browsers to not support certain types of website. A broken website is not only useless but it could add a very bad connotation with the company as a whole; if your website doesn't work, what else doesn't. While you can't make a website that will work for every single browser you can be aware of what browsers are popular and what may or may not work on them.

Another intersting idea was remembering how much experience your audience will have with the internet and browsing websites. While the reading gives many good examples of different types of knowledge your audience may or may not have experience in I think it could go further. Some of your audience may be buying this product for the first time. Some of your audience may have a wealth of experience using the internet but have never bought something online (I think of the generations that have been growing up with the internet but only recently got a credit card or other way to buy online)

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