Tuesday, April 9, 2013

It is going to be a looooong night....

There are still plenty of problems I need to fix.

Here it is.


  1. I like the header with the grass and the soccer ball. Things to fix, it would be nice if you could find some way to make the page automatically re-size to the browser that way we don't have to zoom in and out constantly.

  2. I like the grass and the soccer ball in the header. very creative and makes your topic obvious. The size of the website is a problem.

  3. Very nice header.
    I like the color scheme.

    Only suggestion is the Nav bar is hard to read maybe make the font a little bigger and centered.

  4. I dig the header - nice use of varsity font, tech colors, and images to make it look spirited and relevant.

    It looks you developed it on one resolution though. It looks perfect on my resolution, but when I resize the window I get side scrollbars. Given that you have so much white space, maybe you want to try using percentages?

  5. I really like your header! and the font you used is perfect for the topic! I also like the bars that break up the text. One area for development I would suggest would to be careful about the white background, its a little intense mixed with the black nav bar.

  6. Strengths: I love the header with the grass and the soccer ball. I also really like the font of the header.

    Suggestions: Positioning - try to condense it more? or use percentages?

  7. banners good. the site is not friendly to computer with smaller computers.

  8. PROS:
    -grass and ball are awesome visuals
    -format is easy to read
    -easy to navigate (nav bar is simple)

    -title gets cut off
    -more body text - not much information

  9. Strength: Design and layout are very simple to navigate. Header is well designed.

    Suggestion: Make the header narrower. If you make it display narrower, it will take out the left/right scroll. Perhaps use a percentage based size?

  10. I like the header, the use of white space is nice. I really like the grass. The nav bar is clear and concise. Create a div so that everything stays together.

  11. It starts zoomed really far out. It is a very clear page though and is easy to look at and navigate.

  12. I absolutely love the header. You can tell exactly what the site is going to be about just by looking at it. One thing I would recommend is bringing everything in. There is a lot of white space on your homepage so maybe adding an image to it might help with that.

  13. The header is awesome! I love the grass it adds another color to the piece and also adds to interesting texture.

    Nav bar is very clear and concise.

    Shortening the header would help, as we said in class maybe try and just use MTU Women's Club Soccer or something like that.

  14. Strengths: I like your header. The grass and soccer ball look awesome and the colors are very Michigan Tech.

    Work on: Consider not centering all of the content, it could help the appearance and organization to vary alignment and add a more clean structure.

  15. Awesome header! And the structure is on point, everything is right where I need to find it! Only suggestion would be to skinny it up a bit, just smack a div around the content and bring it to the middle, other than that, its lookin' great! Late nights do good sometimes :)

  16. Your design is very clean! The colors are bold but you use them well togerher.
    Maybe incorporate some pictures to break up the white space - also the nav text is a little tough to read.

    Very nice header.


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